The Russian Princess
Street Photography came to me late in my over 35+ years as a documentary & street photographer and photojournalist. I initially started in newspaper photojournalism as a self taught photographer.
My transition to working as a documentary photographer was inspired by the Day In The Life Of photo book projects in the 80’s and the works of William Albert Allard and more recently, Alex Webb.
I have always felt drawn to capturing nuanced moments of everyday people ever since I first picked up a camera.
This image of what appears to be a Russian Princess was captured in September of 2019 after a local parade in the city where I live. A group of people had dressed in traditional clothing and had marched in the parade. This quiet moment occurred as I witnessed it unfolding. I raised the camera to my eye and captured a few sequenced images and this one moment stood out to me.
I now consider myself a specialist in documentary and street photography, albeit with the challenges photographing my subjects since the pandemic. It was less difficult to document everyday life before the pandemic and ever since 2020, people have become more wary of those like myself photographing them in public.